Verbos Irregulares

Verbos Irregulares - Ag Tutors & Música




to arise

arose arisen erguer, levantar

to awake

awoke awoken acordar, despertar-se

to be

was,werebeen ser, estar, ficar

to bear

boreborne suportar, aguentar

to beat

beat beaten bater, superar, vencer, derrotar, espancar

to become

became become tornar-se

to begin

began begun começar, iniciar

to bet

bet bet apostar

to bite

bit bitten morder

to bleed

bled bled sangrar

to break

broke broken quebrar

to bring

brought brought trazer

to build

built built construir

to burn

burnt/burnedburnt/burned queimar

to buy

bought bought comprar

to cast

cast cast lançar

to catch

caught caught pegar, agarrar

to choose

chose chosen escolher

to come

came come vir

to cost

cost cost custar

to cut

cut cut cortar

to deal

dealt dealt tratar, lidar

to dig

dug dug cavar, escavar

to do

did done fazer

to draw

drew drawn desenhar, traçar, puxar, arrastar

to dream

dreamt/dreamed dreamt,dreamed sonhar

to drink

drank drunk beber

to drive

drove driven dirigir, guiar

to eat

ate eaten comer

to fall

fell fellen cair, desaguar, abater-se, decrescer, diminuir

to feed

fed fed alimentar, nutrir

to feel

felt felt sentir, notar

to fight

fought fought lutar, brigar

to find

found found achar, encontrar

to fit

fitted fitted servir, ajustar, adaptar, caber, assentar.

to fly

flew flown voar

to forbid

forbade forbidden proibir

to forget

forgot forgotten esquecer(-se)

to forgive

forgave forgiven perdoar

to freeze

froze frozen congelar, gelar

to get

got got/gotten obter, conseguir

to give

gave given dar

to go

wentgone ir

to grow

grew grown crescer, florescer, germinar

to hang

hung hung pendurar, suspender

to have

had had ter, possuir

to hear

heard heard ouvir, escutar, ter notícias

to hide

hid hidden esconder(-se), ocultar

to hit

hit hit bater, chocar-se

to hold

held held segurar, agarrar

to hurt

hurt hurt ferir(-se), machucar

to keep

kept kept manter, conservar, preservar

to know

knew known saber, conhecer

to lay

laid laid pôr, colocar, derrubar, deitar

to lead

led led conduzir, liderar, dirigir, comandar

to learn

learnt/learned learnt/learned aprender, ficar sabendo

to leave

left left partir, deixar, sair

to lend

lent lent emprestar

to let

let let permitir, deixar

to lie

lay lain deitar, jazer

to lose

lost lost perder

to light

lit lit acender, iluminar
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